Internet Distance Education AcademieS (IDEAS)

Your SMART-Teaching Solution Provider: Better Interaction, Better Explanation

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Add your logo hereWelcome to the Caribbean's Distance Education Web Site.

Our business is about the development of educational software tailored primarily to the needs of the Caribbean and Latin America.


CXC MATH LESSONS OVER THE INTERNET – CXC MATH 1 (to see a 5-star international rating click here)

The CXC Math Term 1 package has the following features: 12 chapters on 108 pages, interactive multiple-choice questions, a hypertext glossary of key terms, interactive plotting of equations, a timed term test with report card analyzing the student's performance and giving suggestions.   Our signature  customized strategy is to focus on the critical core issues and use interactivity, dynamic content, and unique highly expert explanations, to help the student gain the required understanding.


To become a paying student using our CXC Math 1 program, use one of the following 3 methods:


1.    Use the program any number of times over the internet for 30 days at TT$75.  This involves a local bank and receiving a password that expires after 30 days.

2.    Use the program any number of times over the internet for 30 days at US$16.  Payment by this method requires a credit card.  This method is similar to method 1 except that you do not need to e-mail us to get the password.

3.    Purchase the entire program at US$145.  This involves downloading the program and requires a credit card.


See below for the details of these methods.



Regardless of the payment method, first download and install the “Neuron” plug-in which enables our programs to run in your browser.  Click on the button below to do this.




The CXC Math Term 1 package covers the parts of the syllabus most challenging to students and representing about 60 percent of the syllabus.  Without mastery of the topics covered in CXC Math 1, it is very difficult for a student to be successful in any other area of mathematics or any math-based subject such as physics.  Click on this line for a description of the contents.  These topics are so critical that our CXC Math 1 program can be used solely as a Remedial O’Level Math course for CXC, GCE, Grades 6 to 10 in the U.S.A and Canada, or as an overall measure of competence. CXC Math 2 and 3 complete the syllabus and are to be released in upcoming months.  Please visit this web site for updates.



Click on TERMS AND CONDITIONS to examine same.  Execution of the steps below shall be understood as meaning that you agree to the Terms and Conditions.


Step 1.  Use the program for free for 1 day by becoming a Guest Student. 

            Click on the “Get a Guest Ticket” link in the blue area on the bottom

            left of the screen and follow the instructions.  This gives us your

            e-mail address so we can send you your password ticket.  Your

            name enables us to confirm payment.  By becoming a Guest Student

            you gain confidence in the system before you decide to become a

            paying Student.  Someone is allowed to be a Guest only once, further

            requests will not be responded to.

Step 2.  Go to any Republic Bank of Trinidad and Tobago Ltd outlet and deposit

            TT$75 into account number 160131209631 and name A. Clarke.  Take

            the receipt, write your name on it and e-mail the receipt to us.  Make

            sure to use the same name you used when you registered before as

            a Guest, and that it is legible.

Step 3.  When we get your e-mail we will e-mail you your password ticket. 


You continue to use the program as you became accustomed to as a Guest, but now you use the peach-coloured Student Login area at the upper left of the screen and not the Guest Login area.  To use the program it is essential that you enable cookies in your browser.  If not, the program will not work.  Also, and for method 2 as well, the password will only allow access to the computer the program first ran on. 





METHOD 2: CXC MATH 1 (monthly; credit card)



Our product lines are intended to eventually be components of a total educational experience with special emphasis on the requirements of the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) O'Level and A'Level exams for general Caribbean secondary school requirements. We are also developing products for the Trinidad and Tobago Secondary Education Assessment (SEA) exams.