Internet Distance Education Academies

The Virtual University and Corporate Training Center of the Caribbean


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Clips of CXC Maths Term1



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Welcome to Trinidad and Tobago's first and only Distance Education web site.

Notice our free CXC Math training course that streams knowledge directly to you from our server.  However, you will need a special browser plug-in before you begin.  E-mail us at , or, or call us at (1 868) 642 0459.

To enroll in a course, or if you are with one of our corporate clients, please click from the course group you are interested in above.  All transactions are secure.  These courses can also be purchased to run as stand-alone software, or over a LAN or WAN.  

The full version of the CXC Math Term 1 package has the following features:

  • 12 chapters on 108 pages,
  • interactive multiple-choice questions,
  • a hypertext glossary of key terms,
  • interactive plotting of equations,
  • a timed term test with report card analysing the student's performance and giving suggestions.

What does CXC Maths Term 1 do? This product covers a significant portion of the syllabus (about 40 percent) and is the first of a three-part CXC math series which covers the entire syllabus. The other two parts are currently under development. 

Who wrote CXC Maths Term 1? It was written by a professional research and design structural engineer who routinely applies maths and computer science towards understanding or developing new materials, building structures, or procedures, and in solving industrial problems. He also has several years experience as a personal CXC Math tutor and from his students has come to an understanding of their critical weak points. These he tries to address in the computer program.

How do you get CXC Math Term 1? You can order over the web; or by e-mail: , or ; or by telephone: (1 868) 642 0459.

What updates and related events are planned? The completion of CXC Maths Term 2 and 3; the publishing of more timed exams that you can run or download from the web, and whatever you think we should develop or improve on - e-mail us your suggestions.

IDEAS is seeking corporate sponsors for the development of CXC products (subjects or exam-styled solutions). We are also seeking contact with interested Teachers/Lecturers/Educators, who may wish to find out how they can be trained to produce these products themselves. E-mail us , or, or call us at (1 868) 642 0459.