One of the largest factors contributing to poor performance in CXC Math is the lack of understanding of Algebra.
Even if the student understands other parts of the syllabus, they cannot provide correct answers if their algebra is weak.
Hence our first offering - CXC Math Term 1, concentrates on Algebra, and other Algebra-intensive parts of the syllabus.
Products covering the rest of the syllabus are expected to be completed by November 2007.
If you think you are ready for your exam, use our CXC Math 1 software and take a test. This test is designed to
find your weak points and tells you, on a Report Card, which topics you should concentrate on revising. The CXC
Math Term 1 package is genuinely interactive and has the following features: 12 chapters on 108 pages, interactive multiple-choice
questions, a hypertext glossary of key terms, interactive plotting of equations, a timed term test with report card analyzing
the student's performance and giving suggestions.
By 31 March 2007 the CD version of CXC Math 1 will be available at major bookstores and software retailers
throughout Trinidad and Tobago. From October 2007, the on-line delivery will be available only by purchase of time tickets.
Free access can still be available via corporate sponsorship programs.
Our product lines are intended to eventually be components of a total educational experience with special emphasis
on the requirements of the CXC and CAPE syllabuses. We are also developing complete content products for the Trinidad
and Tobago Secondary Education Assessment (SEA) exams.